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Jaipur to Pushkar - Day 11

Updated: Jun 22, 2020

This morning we drove from Jaipur to Pushkar. The roads in Rajasthan are superb - a marked difference to those in Uttar Pradesh. The infrastructure of road and rail, not to mention IT technology is a reflection of the propsperity of this state.  Much of its income is derived from tourism, Rajasthan being well provided with palaces, forts and various colourful sights. Pushkar's claim to fame is the temple of the Lord Brahma, the creator, the only operational such temple in the world. Pushkar is situated where Lord Brahma dropped a lotus flower, and where the petals landed a lake was formed in a valley surrounded by hillocks on three sides. Apparently there was an important ceremony, attended by gods and humans, which required Brahma and his wife to officiate. Everyone had assembled, but Lord Brahma's wife was late - presumably fixing her makeup and dress for this important occasion. Time was running out - the auspicious time for the ceremony was passing, and there was pressure on Lord Brahma from the other gods and guests to perform the ceremony - which of course he couldn't do without his consort. In desperation, he was urged to marry a local girl - a ceremony which only took a couple of minutes - which then allowed him to proceed with the ritual. Alas, once the ritual had started, Brahma's wife belatedly arrived. Furious with her husband for his betrayal in marrying another and starting the ceremony without her, she cursed him and swore that no other temples dedicated to him would ever again be built. Other gods interceded, but couldn't sway her - which is why there are no other temples to the Brahma in this world. After exploring the town and the ghats of Pushkar we took a ride on a camel cart to enjoy the sunset before returning to the hotel for dinner. The camel cart lurched, the road was uneven, and we passed through areas strewn with rubbish and alas, a dead camel was also present. Small children begged - for money for chappati, but more humorously, many also begged for chocolate biscuits! Still, the colour of the carts, the gentle surge as they made their way up and down hill, the soft sand underfoot for most of the way and the wonderful sunset compensated for the distractions.  There was enough haze to take the heat out of the sunset and allow some magical photography. Again, a magical day and a wonderful tour.

Ghats at the Pushkar lake

The shrine in the lake and other ghats

Loading up in the camel carts

On the trail with the camels

Camel resting at a Bedouin camp

We’re getting close to sunset

Desert sunset

Mohdi, our camel

Camel at sunset

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