OK, the title is misleading. We're not in India yet, but in the final stages of packing for our flight from Wellington tomorrow. Last year, when we went from Ashgabat to Bishkek, we were travelling slightly off the beaten track. This year's journey will be a far more conventional tourist trail around India. Although I spent a couple of years in Mumbai, (Bombay in those days!) between the ages of three and five, I never saw anything more of India. I am looking forward to remedying that. Also, I want to see just how much I remember of the Mumbai of my early childhood. Certain things still stand out in my memory - Chowpatty beach; Malabar hill, where my parent's flat was and the Breach Candy swimming pool where I learned to swim. I still hold a small silver cup for a 3rd place in the back stroke when I was about four years old. I also remember diving off the high dive - which in those days seemed impossibly high. Mind you, I probably wouldn't be brave enough to do it now. As usual at this point in our preparations I'm torn between not wanting to leave home, and the excitement of the journey ahead. I love where I live so very much, and grieve each time I leave. But the lure of the road and all it can bring is inescapable. Then again, Cavan and I travel very well as a team. Probably the happiest times of our lives have been spent exploring exotic places together, eating new foods and seeing different manners and customs. We finally checked our tickets this afternoon and discovered that our flight from Wellington only brings us to Auckland one and a half hours before our international flight leaves for Singapore. The travel agent assures us that this will be ample time for us to go through customs and emigration. I hope they are right! Anyway, as a gesture of goodwill the agent has organised for us to receive 'assisted services' to help us get on the plane on time. I was grateful until I realised she was offering us a wheelchair! I will be blogging about our experiences, so do feel free to follow us!
